Sunday, March 22, 2015

TED Talk: DONE!!!

So, one of the most stressful presentations I've given in this gifted class is now over, and I can finally relax. I think what made this so scary was that for all of my previous presentations, I've only presented in front of small groups of my peers, but this was everyone from both classes. The script was easier for me to memorize though, since it was more casual than other presentations I've given, so I'm thankful for that.

I genuinely have no clue how I did because my friends said I did well, but they're my friends and I don't know if they were lying to make me feel good about myself. And I honestly do not remember much about what happened because I was so focused on just delivering my talk and not messing up (which I kind of did at the end with my wording, which is quite embarrassing).

I'm just glad that I'm done and can spend the next few days watching everyone else present.

I'm pretty sure I disappointed some people by deciding not to actually hurdle in front of everyone, but I showed a video to make up for it... and I brought a hurdle to my presentation (that hurdle has caused me so much stress, you have no idea. I almost hit, like, five students trying to get it inside, and ran into the doorway trying to get it into my mom's classroom at the end of class IN FRONT OF HER STUDENTS AND PEOPLE LAUGHED, I WANTED TO DIE).

Now that this project is wrapping up, I've decided to continue to work on hurdling (not that I have much of a choice because, you know, my mom wouldn't let me quit unless I was injured). I have my first meet this Tuesday against Cheltenham. We're going to lose, but I'm going to focus on finishing my race. And I know we're going to lose, I'm not being a pessimist or anything, Cheltenham has so many state champions in so many events and... well, we don't.

I've altered my goal to finishing the race and hope to be able to build up from there!


  1. Hey Abby!
    Your talk was awesome! I know you were nervous, but you had no reason to be!! You did really well, and you're really good at hurdling too (at least I think - I don't know much about it, but you could get over the hurdle, which is more than I can do). It's great that you've gained some of your confidence back after getting discouraged. Trying anything new is really hard, but it seems that you're doing really well with it. How did your meet turn out? :~)
    - Hannah

  2. Hi Abby! Your ted talk was really really great! I think it's really cool that at the beginning of this you had little to no experience with hurdles and now you seem to be pretty good with them, I mean, you have done them in a meet. I hope you continue to work on improving your skills!
